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Stefan Marx
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Stefan Marx
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KrAZ trucks
1994 Dobele
KrAZ-260 Tanker

JaAZ-214 truck 6x6, 1956-1959
KrAZ-214 Cargo Truck, 7 to, (6x6.1), „Dnepr“ 1956/1959 – 1967
In service with: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Yugoslavia and NVA
JaAZ-214B truck 6x6, 1959-1963
KrAZ-214B Cargo Truck, (6x6.1), 1963-1967(1970)
KrAZ-214 as prime mover (also NVA)
+ heavy flatbed trailer 1+2 axles SL 60/III
+ 122 mm howitzer 38
KrAZ-214 for transport of mine-clearing drums, with crane K-61
KrAZ-214 Erzeugnis 1RL-130M1-1 mit Segmenten der Blöcke AZ-17A1, Block B-08 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 Erzeugnis 1RL-130M1-1 mit 4 Containern plus Zubehör KLU-10 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 Erzeugnis 1RL-130M1-1 mit Container für Kabeltrommeln (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 with AD-10-T/230M diesel generator, in service with Poland
KrAZ-214 240 mm Multiple rocket system BM-29 (oder 25?)
KrAZ-214 250 mm Multiple rocket system BM-25, in service with North Yemen
KrAZ-214 250 mm Multiple rocket system BMD-25, since 1957
KrAZ-214 280 mm Multiple rocket system BMD-28 with 6 tubes, 2P7 (2P5), 2K5, since 1957
KrAZ-214 B Height finder radar PRW-9B (THIN SKIN) (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 with Heavy folding pontoon bridge PMP (also Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, NVA)
KrAZ-214 crane truck with KM-61 and KM-61M mechanical crane for handling of KMT-5 devices, (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 mit Pritsche und Gittermast-Vorbaukran K-104 (also NVA)
+ auch vorbereitet zur Schienenfahrt
KrAZ-214 with TMM-bridging equipment (also Bulgaria, Hungary, North Korea, Serbia, Yugoslavia and NVA)
KrAZ-214 with TMM-3-bridging equipment (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 with bridging boat BMK-T
KrAZ-214 Excavator E-305 AV (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 Excavator basic model E-305V (305 W)
KrAZ-214 Excavator E 305W (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 Excavator EOW 4421 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 crane truck/Anbau-Auslegerkran K-104 vorne, mit Pritsche, zur Montage von Antennen bei Einheiten der Luftverteidigung (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 Mobile water desalination plant OPS
KrAZ-214 fuel servicing truck
KrAZ-214 Oxygen / nitrogen production station
KrAZ-214 Tankanlage für Oxydator AKC 4-214 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214/-255 Antenna equipment AMU-15M (3 vehicles) (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 tractor truck with semitrailer ChMZAP-5224 fuel tanker for missile system R-12, R-12U
KrAZ-214 for missile system S 200 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 for missile system S 125 (also NVA)
KrAZ-214 for missile system 8U211 (R-2)
KrAZ-214 tractor truck with erection equipment for 4x0 trailer for R-5 (8A62) missile system, 1951
KrAZ-214 tractor truck with erection equipment 8U25 for 4x0 trailer for R-5M (8K51) missile system, 1955
KrAZ-214 for missile system R-12, R-12U, 1958
KrAZ-219 Cargo Truck, 12 to, (6x4.2), 1958 - 1965, in service with Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and NVA
+ auch vorbereitet zur Schienenfahrt
KrAZ-219A Cargo Truck, 10 to, 6x4, since 1963
KrAZ-219B Cargo Truck, 1963-1965
KrAZ-219 Koffer für Leitfunkmeßstation für Küstenraketensystem SOPKA (also NVA)
KrAZ-219 crane truck with K-104 crane
KrAZ-219 crane truck with K-162 and K-162M electric crane, in service with Poland
KrAZ-221 Tractor truck, 12 to, (6x4.2), 1959 -1963 (Replacement for YAAZ-210D), also NVA
KrAZ-221 Tractor truck with fuel tanker semitrailer TSchMZAP-5204M (16,000 ltr.) as Kraftstofftankzug TZ-16, Russian Air Force
KrAZ-221 Tractor truck with fuel tanker semitrailer TSchMZAP-5204M (22,620 ltr.) as Kraftstofftankzug TZ-22, Russian Air Force
KrAZ-221B Tractor truck, 1963-1966
KrAZ-222 Dump truck/Muldenkipper, 10 to, (6x4.2), 1959-1963 (also NVA)
KrAZ-222B Dump truck, 7(10) to, KrAZ-214 chassis, 1963-1966
KrAZ-225 Raketenvorbereitungsstation KNO 58 AE, NVA
KrAZ-240 Cargo truck, 16.8 to, 6x4, (version of KrAZ-260)
KrAZ-250, 6x4.2, 14 to, since 1966, production 1979
KrAZ-250, 6x4.2, Sauerstoffgewinnungsstation AKDS 70 M2-01 (also NVA)
KrAZ-250, 6x4, Tipper (also NVA)
KrAZ-250 Tractor truck 6x4 (also NVA)
KrAZ-251 dump truck
KrAZ-252 cab-over-engine tractor truck
KrAZ-254 Dump truck (not produced)
KrAZ-255 B Cargo Truck, 7.5 to, (6x6.1), with CTPRS, 1965/1967-1979
In service with: Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Poland (2002: 1,400), Ukraine, Yugoslavia, NVA
KrAZ-255 B1 Cargo Truck, 6x6, mit Zweikreisbremssystem, 1977
KrAZ-255 tractor truck for 152 mm gun-howitzer Model 1937/1985, Poland
KrAZ-255 B als Zugmittel für Gleisjochverlegekran, (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 als Gleisjochverlegefahrzeug mit Auflieger, (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 als Transportfahrzeug für Gleisjochverleger (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B for KMT-5-sets and crane K-61 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 mit Stabs-KOM sowjetischer Bauart, Lichtraumprofil (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B with PMP-Ponton middle section (also Bulgaria, Egypt, Hungary, Iraq, Israel, Yugoslavia and NVA)
KrAZ-255 B with PMP-Ponton end section (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B with PMP-M heavy folding pontoon bridging set:
+ pontoon trucks
+ corduroy-laying trucks
+ motorboat truck
KrAZ-255 B with TMM-3 bridging equipment (also Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Iraq, Kamuchea, Nicaragua (version ?), PRC, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and NVA)
2014 ТММ-3_На_полигоне_инженерных_войск_в_подмосковном_Николо-Урюпино_показали_боевую_работу_Уран-6_и_Уран-14
KrAZ-255 B with carpet laying device (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 with carpet laying device with engine and cabine
KrAZ-255 B with bridging boat BMK-T (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 for missile system S 200
KrAZ-255 B transport vehicle for 2 Rubezh-Raketen P-21/22 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B transport and reloading vehicle 9T229 (TV) or (TM) for 9M38M1 missiles (SA-11, Buk M1)
KrAZ-255 B reloading vehicle 9TM 229(TV) for Buk
KrAZ-255 with trialer for Lafette KLÜ-10 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B1 with pile driving set USM and USM-1, 1977 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B (6x6) with Mobile well drilling rig LBU-200
KrAZ-255 B with LGR-3 laboratory for LBU-200
KrAZ-255 B with hydraulic loading crane and other equipment for LBU-2
KrAZ-255 B1 mit Selbstladeeinrichtung 5912 für Fla-Raketenkomplex S200 „Wega“ (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B Excavator E-305 BV (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B crane / shovel truck E 305W (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B1 Excavator EOW 4421, 1977 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 heavy crane vehicle (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B crane truck with KS-3572 hydraulic crane
KrAZ-255B crane truck with KS-4561AM crane
KrAZ-255 B crane truck with KM-61 mechanical crane
KrAZ-255 L timber truck, Lastkraftwagenzug mit Nachläufer TMS 803 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B 7,000 ltr. fuel tanker ATsM 7-255B
KrAZ-255 B 8,000 ltr. fuel tanker truck TZ 8-255B
KrAZ-255 B 8,500 ltr. fuel tanker truck AZ-8,5-255 B1 (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B Transportanlage für Melange AKC-4-255B (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 automatisches Führungssystem für RBS mit Gerät 1RL-132, (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 for Object WP 02 M, (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 for Object WP 04 M, (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B automatisches Führungssystem für RBS mit Gerät 1RL-19 (PRW-9) (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B PRW-9A (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 B Height finder radar PRW-9B THIN SKIN for SA-6 (also Poland, NVA)
KrAZ-255 B Height finder radar PRW-16B, (1RL132) (also Poland, Slovakia, NVA)
KrAZ-255 B with GCO 220 transportable troposcatter digital terminal and antenna vehicle, in service with India only, 1984
KrAZ-255 K tractor truck
+ with single-axle semitrailer for launcher of complex FKR-1 (Salish), in service with Cuba
KrAZ-255 L Special chassis (6x6.1) (also NVA)
KrAZ-255 V tractor truck (6x6.1), (also Ukraine and NVA)
KrAZ-255 V1 tractor truck, (6x6.1) (also NVA)
+ with loading trailer for S-200 Volga
+ with semitrailer transport 5T53MU for S-200 Volga (SA-5 GAMMON), in service with Czechoslovakia, NVA
+ with double-axle semitrailer MAZ-538B with cabin and radar antenna 6UFÄ for ST-68U (19Sh6, 19Sh6E and 19Sh6V high erction mast system) TIN SHIELD early warning radar for SA-5 and SA-10, in service with North Korea, Slovakia (3), Poland (1), Ukraine,
two different systems with separate frequency bands are available for overlapping deployment, (also NVA)
+ with double-axle semitrailer MAZ-538B for ST-68UM (36D6), Slovakia (1), Ukraine 2000
++ ST-68UM (36D6H)
++ ST-68UM (35D6L/36D6L)
++ ST-68UM (36D6M)
++ ST-68UM (35D6V/36D6V), high erection mast
+ with semi-trailer ST-68MSK, upgrade of three Slovaki systems (one ST-68UM (36D6), and two ST-68U (19Zh6)), 2007
+ with semitrailer for parts of semimobile radar system P-14
+ with semitrailer ST-68W , TIN SHIELD early warning radar for SA-5 and SA-10, in service with Poland
KrAZ-255 converted into improvised armoured vehicle, Croatia 1991
KrAZ-256 (6x4) hopper type dump truck (also NVA)
KrAZ-256 B (6x4.2) strenghtened hopper type dump truck 7.5 to, 1966
KrAZ-256 B1 (6x4) tipper, 1977 (also NVA)
KrAZ-256 Special vehicle (also NVA)
KrAZ-256 B dump truck on KrAZ-255 6x6 chassis
KrAZ-256 B1 tipper/Kipper (6x4.2), 1977
KrAZ-256 BS for arctic conditions
KrAZ-257 Cargo Truck, 12 to, (6x4.2), since 1965
In service with Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Nicaragua, Poland, Romania and NVA
KrAZ-257 Spezial-KFZ (also NVA)
KrAZ-257B1 (6x4) tractor truck, 1977 (also NVA)
KrAZ-257 Flugpatz-Vakuum-Reinigungsmaschine W-63 (W-68)
KrAZ-257 Landrammvorrichtung 1250 (also NVA)
KrAZ-257 Schwere Rammfähre UR 1250 (also NVA)
KrAZ-257 crane truck with K162 electric crane (also NVA)
KrAZ-257K crane truck with (Autokran) K162M
KrAZ-257 crane truck with KS-4571 hydraulic crane
KrAZ-257 Sauerstofferzeuger AKDS 70 (ADKS-70), (also NVA)
KrAZ-257 Sauerstoffgewinnungsstation AKDS 70M (Luftzerlegungsanlage), Großkoffer Lichtraumprofil
+ Technologische Station (also NVA)
+ Kompressorstation (also NVA)
+ Elektrostation auf Anhänger 2PA-6
KrAZ-258 Tractor Truck/Sattelzugmaschine erh.L., 12 to, (6x4.2), since 1958 (also NVA)
KrAZ-258 Tractor truck with fuel tanker semitrailer TSchMZAP-5204M (16,000 ltr.) as Kraftstofftankzug TZ-16, Russian Air Force
KrAZ-258 Tractor truck with fuel tanker semitrailer TSchMZAP-5204M (22,620 ltr.) as Kraftstofftankzug TZ-22, Russian Air Force
KrAZ-258B Tractor truck, 1966
KrAZ-258B1 Tractor truck, 6x6, 1977 (also NVA)
KrAZ-258B1 Tractor truck with fuel tanker semitrailer TSchMZAP-5204M (22,620 ltr.) as Kraftstofftankzug TZ-22, Russian Air Force
KrAZ-260 Cargo truck, (6x6).1, 7.5 to/ 9 to, since 1979 (Ukraine 1981) (also Ukraine and NVA)
KrAZ-260 Cargo truck used as artillery prime mover
KrAZ-260 Spezial-KFZ (also NVA)
KrAZ-260G Cargo truck for towing guns
KrAZ-260 with 3-D radar GAMMA-S1E, 1997
+ vehicle M1 for antenna assembly
+ vehicle M2 (type?) for control, data processing, presentation and transmitting equipment
+ vehicle M3 (type?) for spare parts and accessories
KrAZ-260 with box body and Kashtan-3 optoelectronic countermeasures complex, Ukraine 2002
KrAZ-260 (?) Ground Control Station for E95 aerial target system, 2002
KrAZ-260 (?) Mobile Control Post for ATC, AD and AAMC, Ukraine 2005
KrAZ-260 mobile complex for aircraft target-pointing links jamming LIMAN, Ukraine 2002
+ Jamming station 225-400 MHz
+ Jamming station 960-1215 MHz
+ Radio reconnaissance and control station
KrAZ-260 power station for 36D6-M radar system within box body KP-10, in service with Ukraine 2002
KrAZ-260 pile driver USB-T with trailer MAZ-8926
KrAZ-260 with mobile rammer USM-2 (also NVA)
KrAZ-260 with TMM-3 bridging system
KrAZ-260 with TMM-3M1 bridging system
KrAZ-260G with PP-91 pontoons
KrAZ-260 tipper
KrAZ-260 heavy crane vehicle K-162, Latvia
KrAZ-260 airfield deicing vehicle V-68
KrAZ-260 decontamination vehicle with jet engine Protektor, 1997
KrAZ-260 decontamination vehicle with jet engine Protektor-N, 2000
KrAZ-260 water distillation plant OPS-5
KrAZ-260 fuel tanker
KrAZ-260 fuel servicing truck
KrAZ-260 nitrogen / oxygen production station
KrAZ-260 Sauerstoffgewinnungsstation AKDS 70M (Luftzerlegungsanlage), Großkoffer Lichtraumprofil
+ Technologische Station (also NVA)
+ Kompressorstation (also NVA)
KrAZ-260 missile loading vehicle 22T6 for S-300PMU, in service with Slovakia
KrAZ-260 missile loading vehicle 22T6E for S-300PMU-1, in service with PRC
KrAZ-260 missile loading vehicle 22T6E2 for S-300PMU2
KrAZ-260 unified training system for S-300PMU1 crews TEMBR-M, trainer 16Yu6PM
KrAZ-260 Model 1 with BM-21 MRL, Ukraine 2002
KrAZ-260 Model 2 with BM-21 MRL, lengthend chassis and reload complement, Ukraine 2002
KrAZ-260 based 152 mm self propelled howitzer, Ukraine, proposal 1999
KrAZ-260 updated passive station for radio-electronic environmental monitoring Kolchuga (Colchuga), Ukraine 2000
+ KrAZ 260 antenna transport vehicle, 2000
KrAZ-260 with minefield marking equipment, in service with India
KrAZ-260 (4x4?) chassi with BM-21K MRL, Ukraine 2009
KrAZ-260V with electrical power supply independent favilities, diesel power plant DES5I57A and distribution conversion facility 63T6A
KrAZ-260V tractor truck 6x6.1 (Sattelzugmaschine KrAZ-260 W)
+ with semitrailer for Buk-2M Ural (SA-17 GRIZZLY) transporter-erector-launcher
+ with semitrailer for Ural (SA-17) command post
+ with semitrailer for Ural (SA-17) CHAIR BACK engagement radar
+ with double-axle semitrailer MAZ-538 for transport-loader 5T28M13 for 5W28AE S-200WÄ Wega (SA-5), in service since 1966, (also Belarus, Kazakhstan, Libya, Noth Korea, Syria and NVA)
with double-axle semitrailer MAZ-538 for transport-loader 5T82M1Ä for 5W28Ä S-200WÄ Wega (SA-5), (also NVA)
+ as transport combination 5T53M with double-axle semitrailer for transportation of missile containers (also NVA)
+ as transport combination 5T53MÄ with double-axle semitrailer for transportation of missile containers (aslo NVA)
+ with double-axle semitrailer for transportation of launcher 5P72W für S-200WÄ Wega (SA-5 / Gammon)
+ with transporter-erector-launcher semitrailer for SA-10a
+ with transporter-erector-launcher semitrailer 5P85TE for S-300PMU1 in service with Bulgaria, PRC (4), Ukraine, Croatia?
+ with transporter-erector-launcher semitrailer 5P85TE2 for S-300PMU2 Favorit (semitrailer type 90Zh6E2)
+ with transporter semitrailer 5T58-2U with fire control equipment for S-300 (also NVA)
+ with transporter semitrailer 5T58-2U with radarhead of radar system F5M for S-300 (also NVA)
+ with transporter semitrailer 5T58E2 for S-300PMU2 Favorit
+ with semitrailer for mobile combat control post 26M6 of SENEZH-M1E system
+ with semitrailer combat control post 27M6 of SENEZH-M1E system
+ with semitrailer for 3D-radar system ST-68U TIN SHIELD, two different systems are available with different frequency bands for overlapping deployment, in service with Ukraine
+ with semitrailer MAZ-938B for 3D-radar system ST-68UM TIN SHIELD, in service with Ukraine
+ with semitrailer for 3D-radar system ST-68 type (36D6-M), in service with Ukraine
+ with semitrailer for 3D-radar system 80K6, Ukraine 2000
+ with semitrailer for automatic command system Polje, (also NVA)
+ with semitrailer equipment cabin KH-2 for radar system KAMA-N
+ with semitrailer for air defence missile system Triumph launcher
1982 Russia - KRAZ-CHR-3120 (8x8)
1982 Kraz-CR-3130 (8x8) prototype with cab over engine which led to Kraz-6316
KrAZ-4530 Dump Truck (4x4), since 1978 (?)
KrAZ-4556 tractor truck for 152 mm 2A36 gun
KrAZ-5131VE (4x4), cargo truck, 5,100 kg, 1998
KrAZ-5133 BE (4x4)
KrAZ-5444 (4x2), tractor truck
1984 KRAZ-6010 (16x16), capacity 18 t. Wheels of the trailer are mechanicaly powered. It became KRAZ-9485.
1989 Russia - KRAZ-6316 (8x8) from Krementchug, Poltava Distric
KrAZ-6322 (6x6) truck = KrAZ-260, 2002; Laos 2015
KrAZ-6322 mobile technical support unit for BTR-4 APCs, Iraq 2011
KrAZ-6322-121 with BM-21M Grad-U MRL, Ukraine 2009
KrAZ-6322 (6x6) Command Post, Ukraine 2012
KrAZ-6322 (6x6) P-180U Solid-State radar, 2D Surveillance VHF-band radar, Ukraine 2012
+ antenna carrier
+ support vehicle
KrAZ-6322 (6x6) MANDAT-B1E Automated Radio Communications Jamming Complex, Ukraine 2012
+ R330RD reconnaissance station, 1 unit
+ R330KV1 jamming tation, 2 units
+ R330UV1 jamming station, 2 units
+ R330UV2 jamming station, 2 units
KrAZ-6322 (6x6 P-190U = P-19(P-15) life extension programm; Ukraine 2012
+ antenna carrier
+ support vehicle
KrAZ-6322 Tractor truck (6x6), Ukraine 2012
+ with trailer for 36D6-M1 Mobile 3D Air Space Surveillance Radar
+ with trailer for modernized 19Zh6 (ST-68U) Radar
+ with trailer for 80K6 3-D Air Surveillance Radar
KrAZ-6322PA Bastion-01 (6x6) with 122 mm 9K51 BM-21 Grad MRL, Ukraine
KrAZ-6322PA Bastion-02 (6x6) with 122 mm 9K51 BM-21 Grad MRL and additional rockets, Ukraine 2011
KrAZ-6322PA Bastion-03 (6x6) with 220 mm Uragan MRL, Ukraine 2011
KrAZ-6322 (6x6) with 155 mm SP gun demonstrator, 2018
KrAZ-63221 (6x6) with 155 mm 2S22 Bogdana artillery system; Ukraine 2020
KrAZ-63221 (6x6) with TMM treadway bridge, Ukraine 2011
KrAZ-63221 (6x6) with PMP heavy folding ponton bridge, Ukraine 2011
KrAZ-63221 (6x6) for S-125-2D Pechora mobile SAM system; Ukraine 2011:
+ with UNK-2D combat control cabin and with UNV-2D antenna unit
+ with 9S500U mobile automated command post
KrAZ-63221 (6x6) for S-125-ML Pechora-ML SAM system, LiTak-Tak Lithuania 2014
KrAZ-63221 with MARS-L radar, 1L-15MA antenna system and 1L22 Parol interrogator, Ukraine, 2013
KrAZ-6333 BE = KrAZ-260
1974 Ukraine - KRAZ-6434-1 (8x8), prototype of Kremenchug Plant, Poltova District
KrAZ-64431, 6x6, tractor truck
+ with semitrailer fuel 48,000 kg
KrAZ-6443 (6x6) (= KrAZ-260) tractor truck
KrAZ-64431, 6x4, tractor truck
KrAZ-6444, 6x4, tractor truck
KrAZ-6446 (= KrAZ-266)
KrAZ-6446 with LIMAN Mobile Ground Radio Jammming System for the Communicatio and and Air Control Links, Ukraine 2012
KrAZ-6510, 6x4, dump truck, 15,000 kg
KrAZ-65034, 6x6, dump truck, 18,000 kg
KrAZ-7643HE (8x8) with Neptune cruise missile system; 2019
KrAZ-3A (6x6) Armoured Truck, Russia 2012

1991 KrAZ-255 B mit Thin Skin im Osten von Deutschland
1993 Latvia KrAZ Tankwagen

1994 Dobele KrAZ Kranfahrzeug
1994 Dobele KrAZ-260 Tanker

1994 Lilaste
KrAZ Kranfahrzeug
1994 Mukran KrAZ Kranfahrzeug

1994 Mukran KrAZ-260 Flugfeldenteisungsfahrzeug
2001 St. Petersburg
KrAZ-214 mit 2K5 BM-28 1957 (2P7 - 2P5)

KrAZ-214 as prime mover for artillery
KrAZ-214 for transport of material
KrAZ Univetsalbagger E-305
KrAZ Schwere Begleitbtücke TMM
KrAZ-214 Brückengerät PMP
KrAZ-214 Brückengerät PMP Zwischenstück
KrAZ-221 Prime mover