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Stefan Marx
DE59 7016 6486 0002 4620 36
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Stefan Marx
DE59 7016 6486 0002 4620 36
BTR-49 (8x8) prototype for BTR-60, 1959
A GAZ-62 (8x8) truck was used to test the chassis and suspension of the later BTR-60.
BTR-60 (Project 49) 8x8 with open roof, since 1958, in service with Poland
+ 25,000 vehicles produced, all versions
BTR-60 command vehicle AVS
BTR-60 artillery battery observation post BBS (also NVA)
BTR-60 Model 1960 armoured transporter with unarmoured roof
BTR-60LBGS, field telephone cable laying vehicle
BTR-60LBGS (B), 1982
BTR-60 MEP armoured transporter for escort duties with TKB-0149 turret with 7.62 mm Mg
BTR-60MS radio vehicle with telescopic antenna HIGH BALL
BTR-60BD with single YaMZ-236M2 Diesel engine, 2002
BTR-60BD based PU-12 with frame antenna, 2002
BTR-60C, Bulgaria (20 in 2016)
BTR-60P (8x8) Armoured personnel carrier with open roof (project 62B, GAS-49), series production 1959 - 1963
In service with Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo, Cuba, Ethiopia, India, Laos, Libya, Mongolia, Nicaragua (31 in 2016), North Korea, PRC, Romania, Soviet Union, Vietnam, Yemen, Zaire, Zambia
+ with 7.62 mm machine gun SGMB, 1960-1963
+ with 12.7 mm mm machine gun DChK, 1960-1963
+ plus elevees ?, 1960-1963
+ with mains-courantes devant les phares, 1960-1963
BTR-60P command post vehicle with large atennas
BTR-60P maintenance assistance vehicle with raised tarpaulin cover
BTR-60P Polish internal security forces
BTR-60PA Model 1963, (8x8) with armoured roof (GAS-49A), since 1963, in production until 1966, based on GAZ-49A, in service with Finland (1), Soviet Union, (also NVA)
BTR-60PA command post with telescopic mast and rail-type antenna
BTR-60PA Command TACP for SAM-regiments (SA-6)
BTR-60PAI with smaller improvements concerning engine and transmission, predecessor of BTR-60PB, 1965
BTR-60PA-1 with closed roof, since 1963, (also Finalnd, NVA)
+ with 12.7 mm DChK , 1965
+ with mains-courantes devant les phares, 1965
BTR-60 with 23 mm AA-gun system (Cuba)
BTR-60P with 30 mm AA-gun system M53 (Cuba)
BTR-60PAU artillery communication vehicle (Bulgaria)
BTR-60A1AU command vehicle without turret and with four whip antennas farther forward, 1965
+ with generator set and with only one whip antenna, 1965
+ with range-finder, 1965
BTR-60 PB Model 1966 (8x8) armoured transporter with 14.5 mm Mg in turret (GAS-49B), series production from 1965 to 1976, based on GAZ-49B
In service with: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo (Republic) (28 in 2016), Cuba, Djibouti (10 in 2016), Egypt, Eritrea (some 100 in 2016), Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland (110 in 1999), Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, India, Iran (600 in 1980, 100 in 1988 from Libya, 50 in 1988 from Bulgaria), Iraq (200 in 1980), Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania (25 in 2002), Laos, Libya, Mexico (1998), Nicaragua (12 in 1981, + 80 in 1990), North-Korea, Mali, Moldova (10 in 2016), Mongolia, Mozambique (80 in 2016), Nicaragua, North Korea, Peru (12 in 1992 from Nicaragua), Romania, Somalia, Soviet Union, Syria, Transnistria, Turkey (1995), Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zimbabwe (30 in 2019) and NVA,
Czechoslovakia and Poland use special versions only.
BTR-60PB, production period 1969-1972
BTR-60PB, production period 1972-1979
BTR-60PB, production period 1975, prototype
BTR-60PB, production period 1985
BTR-60PB, production period 1970-1977, with modified antenna arrangement
BTR-60PBM with KamAZ-7403 diesel engine, 2004
BTR-60PB upgrade with MB2 tuuret armed with 30 mm 2A42 cannon and 7.62 mm PKTM MG, 30 mm AG-17, YaMZ-236A diesel engine, Muromteplovoz company 2006
BTR-60PK with armoured roof (also NVA)
BTR-60PB with 2 portable SA-7 launchers attached to crew (also NVA)
BTR-60PB with AGS-17 30 mm grenade launcher instead of KPVT MG, 1985 in Afghanistan
BTR-60P3 with new turret for higher elevation of 14.5 mm KPVT MG, 1972
BTR-60MEP escort vehicle with TKB-0149 turret with 7.62 mm MG
BTR-60NBZ, 1982
BTR-60PB with BPU-1 turret machine gun mount of BTR-80, Diesel engine, upgrade by Arzamas 2003
BTR-60PBK command vehicle, only additional whip antennas
BTR-60PB with mounted 120 mm on place of turret, Romania 1965
BTR-60 with single diesel engine, Romania 2003
BTR-60 with Panhard AML-90 turret, Ethiopia, Djibouti 1980
BTR-60 logistic vehicle for SA-8 reload rounds
BTR-60PZ = BTR-60PB with small improvements, 1972 prototype
BTR-60PB Politsia; Lithuania 1993
BTR-60 Automated command post 9S482 und 9S482M (Version of PU-12) (also NVA)
+ automated command post 9S482M4
+ automated command post 9S482M6
+ automated command post 9S482M7 (7)
BTR-60PB artillery observation post ABS (also NVA)
BTR-60PB command vehicle; Czechoslovakia 1972
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with turret and one antenna, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with turret and two antennas, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with turret and three antennas, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with turret and four antennas, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle without turret and two antennas, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle without turret and four antennas, 1965
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle without turret and range-finder, 1965
BTR-60PBOu artillery command vehicle with turret and range-finder, 1972
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with turret for amphibious operations, 1972
BTR-60PBOu command vehicle with small turret, 1970
BTR-60 P-137B with large telescopic mast
BTR-60 P-140BM with large whip antennas
BTR-60PB SAS-Fernsprechstelle P-238BT, 1972 (also NVA)
BTR-60 SAS Fernsprechstelle P-238T, armoured field switchboard (also NVA)
BTR-60 P-239BT, field telephone communicatiuons vehicle
BTR-60 P-240T radio/wire integration switchboard
BTR-60 PB SAS-Fernsprechstelle P-240BT, 1982 (also NVA)
BTR-60 P-241BT field telephone communications vehicle
BTR-60 P-241T field telephone system
BTR-60 Arttillery observation post with R 123 und R 107/R 108 (also NVA)
BTR-60 R-135BM with telescopic mast and frame antenna
BTR-60 turreted armoured communication system R 137B without 14.5 mm HMG, 1982 (also NVA)
BTR-60 turreted armoured C3 system R-140BM without 14.5 mm HMG, 1982 (also NVA)
BTR-60PB R-145 without turret (Bulgaria)
BTR-60 R-145 AKL-I, without turret and one large antenna (Teleskopmast), 1982
BTR-60 R-145 AKL-II, without turret and one large antenna and frame antenna, 1982
BTR-60 R-145BM, 1982
BTR-60 R-145BM(L), 1982
BTR-60 R-145BM(L) with diesel engine IaMZ-236, 1982
BTR-60 R-145BM/L2, 1985
BTR-60-R-156B armoured C3 system with one large antenna (Teleskopmast) and one single small inverted „U“ clothline antenna in the mid of the roof, 1982
BTR-60 R-161B HF radio communication vehicle
BTR-60 Richtfunkstelle, turretless radio relay station R 409BM, 1982 (also NVA)
BTR-60 R-975, turreted forward air control vehicle, 1982
BTR-60 R-975MI, turretless forward air controller vehicle
BTR-60PU = BTR-60POu
BTR-60PU with raised tarpaulin cover, command vehicle, 1962
+ different variants of whip antenna configuration and tarpaulin cover
BTR-60PU turretless command vehicle R-145BM with clothes-line antenna and Hawk Eye antenna, (also Azerbaijan, Iraq, NVA)
BTR-60PB air defence command post vehicle PU-12 (POu-12) with one antenna, 1982
In service with Bosnia (1 in 2016), Bulgaria, Czechoslowakia, Estonia, Hungary, Iraq, Yugoslavia and NVA
BTR-60PU-12 prototype vehicle for BTR-60PU, without turret, new engine, 2004
BTR-60PU (D) with YaMZ-236 diesel engine, 2004
BTR-60PU with radio equipment, 1962, in service with Hungary
BTR-60PU command vehicle with raised superstructure
BTR-60PU command version for ZSU-23-4 units with turret
BTR-60PU forward air control version with turret
BTR-60PUM with R-145BM, 1995, in service with Finland
BTR-60-E-351BR armoured generator system
BTR-60PB mit zusätzlichem Kabeltrommelsatz (also NVA)
BTR-60PBK company commander vehicle with R-145BM, 1980, in service with Finland (3)
+ similar version also for Finland 1985
BTR-60PM-53 air defence vehicle with Czech M-53 30 mm, 1960
BTR-60KSh battalion command vehicle and company command vehicle
BTR-60 PW(S) command post (also NVA)
BTR-60PB Artillery command and reconnaissance system 1V17(M 1979) with: 1972
+ BTR-60PB 1V18 „Klen-1“artillery battery command observation post vehicle, 1972
+ BTR-60PB 1V18-1 modernised version, 1972
+ BTR-60PB 1V19 „Klen-2“artillery battalion command observation post and fire direction centre vehicle, 1972
+ BTR-60PB 1V19-1 modernised version, 1972
+ BTR-60PB 1V110
+ BTR-60PB 1V111
BTR-60VVS air force command post vehicle, forward air controller with telescoping TOP BALL antenna
SPW-60 Führungsfahrzeug zur Führung des Einsatzes von Kampfhubschrauibern (also NVA)
BTR-60 Z-351BR power generator vehicle
BTR-60P maintenanve assistance vehicle MTR-2 (?) with raised tarpaulin cover
BTR-60PB ZUR 9M31 (SA-9 GASKIN) preproduction weapon system
BTR-60PB 9M31M SA-9 GASKIN preproduction vehicle
SPW-60PB mit Großlautsprecheranlage, wenige Fahrzeuge (also NVA)
SPW-60PB mit abwerfbaren Lautsprechern am Turm, Versuche (only NVA)
BTR-60 with AML-90 turret, Djibouti, 1999
BTR-60D APC with frame-antenna for communication and control faciliteis of motorized rifle and artillery units, 2004
BTR-60M with OuTD-20 turret, Ukraine 2002
BTR-60PB ATM accident and breakdown vehicle
BTR-60PB ATM-2 Nematch disaster relief vehicle with small platform on roof, 1991
BTR-60PB ATM-2 Nematch disaster relief vehicle with large platform on roof, 1993 ptototype
BTR-60P MTP-2 turretless maintenance vehicle with auxiliary crane at the front, 1991
BTR-60P MTP-2B technical assistance vehicle
Irtysh salvage and transport vehicle
BTR-60BP-MD, Bulgaria 2007
TAB-71 turretless BTR-60P vehicle, Romania, 1970 - In service with Moldova (80 in 2016)
TAB-71M (TAB-72), BTR-60PB version, Romania, 1,878 vehicles 1990
+ TAB-71A-R1450 command version, 1965
+ TAB-71A-R1451 command version, 1965
+ TAB-71A-R1452 command version, 1965
+ TAB-71AR (TAB-73) 82 mm mortar carrier
+ TERA-71 maintenance version, 1965
+ TERA-71L recovery vehicle
OT-64 SKOT (8x8) Medium Wheeled Armoured Transporter, prototype 1961, production until 1990, in service with Cambodia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Sudan (35 in 2016), Uruguay; 10,300 vehicles
BTR-60 chassis 9A34M3-K with vertical sides fire unit for 9K35M-3K Kolchan AD system (SA-13 Gopfer), Russia 2007
BTR-60 chassis 9A35M3-K command vehicle 9K35M-3K Kolchan AD system (SA-13 Gopfer), Russia 2007
BTR-60 NBC reconnaissance vehicle; Iran 2018
BTR-61B, Adcom Trading 2001
BTR-70 Armoured transporter (Object 50 or GAZ-50) with BMP-1 turret with 73 mm 2A28 gun and 9M14 AT-3 SAGGER, 1971
BTR-70 (8x8) Armoured transporter (Object 60, GAS-4905, GAZ-4905) with 14.5 mm machine-gun turret, 1972, manufacture 1978-1982
In service with: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus (327 in 2016), Bosnia (3 in 2002, 3 in 2016), Croatia (few in 2002), Estonia, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Macedonia (60, 58 in 2016), Mexico (1998), Moldova (3 in 2016), Mongolia, Nepal (35 in 2016), Nicaragua (Russian surplus in 2016), Pakistan (120 in 1999-2016), Romania, Soviet Union, Transnistria, Turkmenistan, Ukraine (800 in 2009), UNPROFOR, Uzbekistan, and NVA
BTR-70 (sabords), 1978-1986
BTR-70 (protection des phares, protected driving lights), 1986
BTR-70 with appique armour
BTR-70 modified for service with MVD troops, 1986
BTR-70 Sanitarnyi OON ambulance without armament, 1994, in service with Ukraine
BTR-70 with BPU-1 turret machine gun mount of BTR-80, upgrade by Arzamas 2003
BTR-70 (BTR-702i) upgrade with 30 mm cannon and 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun PKT in one-man turret, Ukraine 2001
+ INGUL M3 modular fighting system with/without
++ Barrier ATGM, IVECO Euro III diesel, add-on-armour, Zaslon, Nozh, TPRS, 2009
BTR-70 with external automatic cannon and large drum, Malyshev Plant, Ukraine 2004
BTR-7, Ukrainian designation for new configuration, also known as BTR-70 Defender
BTR-70 with additional AG-17 on turret roof, Afghanistan 1985
BTR-70 with AGS-17 instead of KPVT MG, 1971
BTR-70 (23 mm), Armenia (2016)
BTR-70 with 30 mm KBA-2 cannon and diesel engine, longer chassis, Ukraine 1999
BTR-70 with 30 mm 2A72 cannon and diesel engine, longer chassis, Ukraine 1999
BTR-70 Grom with 30 mm turret ZTM-2, four ATGMs in turret, Ukraine 2002
BTR-70 with 30 mm 2A72 cannon in BPPU turret, Diesel engine, Arzamas upgrade 2003
BTR-70 (8x8) Shareef-3 APC with BMP-1 turret, Sudan 2019
BTR-70 Kobra-K turret, Belarus 2002
BTR-70 with 85 mm 2S14 Zhalo gun
BTR-70 Jalo-S (2S14) with long-barrel 85 mm anti-tank gun 2A62, prototype 1975
BTR-70 witzh additional UB-32-57 aircraft rocket launcher, used in Afghanistan
BTR-70 with turret-mounted 120 mm mortar system, prototype for 2S23 Nona-SVK, 1985
BTR-70BD with single IaMZ-236 Diesel engine like BTR-60BD, 2000
BTR-70D with YaMZ-236A diesel engine with BPU-1 turret from BTR-80 with 14.5mm KPVT and 7.62mm PKT-M MGs, 2004
BTR-70D with YaMZ-236A diesel engine with BPPU turret from BTR-80A with 30mm 2A72 and 7.62mm PKT-M MGs, 2004
BTR-70 with standard one-person turret retained addd by a bank of 8 mm smoke grenade dischargers, UTD-20 V6 diesel engine, new ejector-typeexhaust system, Ukraine 2005
BTR-70 command vehicles: 1986
+ with additional antenna
+ with two additional antennas
+ with two additional antennas (BTR-70, NVA), 1986
+ with modifications (BTR-70MS, NVA), 1986
BTR-70K/SPW-70K Zugführerfahrzeuge, 1986 (also NVA)
SPW-70(S) Stabschef des MSB mit HTM-10 (also NVA)
SPW-70(SL) Stellvertreter des Stabschefs als Fliegerleitoffizier für den Einsatz von Kampfhubschraubern und die Verbindung zu den Armee-Fleigerkräften mit Funkgerät R 809M2 (also NVA)
SPW-70RKh (SPW-70Ch) mit Fähnchenschießgerät, navigationsanlage, Nebelgranat-Verschußanlage, NVA 1 Fahrzeug, 1989
SPW-70W mit neuem Turm, vertikaler Schwenkbereich bis +60°, 619 Stück NVA einschließlich 139 für das MdI, 1987-1990
BTR-70Kh NBC-reconnaissance vehicle
BTR-70KSh command vehicle
BTR-70KShM command staff vehicle
BTR-70M 1986/1 with BTR-80 turret
BTR-70M with BPU-1 turret from BTR-80 with 14.5mm KPVT and 7.62mm PKT-M MGs, KamAZ-7403 diesel engine, 2004
BTR-70M with BPPU turret from BTR-80A with 30mm 2A72 and 7.62mm PKT-M MGs, KamAZ-7403 diesel engine, 2004
BTR-70MB1 upgrade; Belarus 2019
BTR-70MEP escort vehicle with TKB-0149 turret with 7.62 mm MG, 1980
BTR-70MS signal vehicle without turret
BTR-70RKh chemical scout vehicle (also NVA)
BTR-70 SPR-2 Rtut-B Artillery radio proximity fuse jamming station, 2004
BTR-70 artillery fire control and target acquisition radar vehicle CREDO-1S (Kredo-1S), 1997
BTR-70V with modified turret, 1986
BTR-70 prototype with enlarged side doors, such as seen later on BTR-80
BTR-72 or BTR-74, a proposed new family of (6x6) wheeled scout vehicles in the end of 1970s. Variants were considered to include turretless armoured ambulance, radar surveillance vehicle and AT-missile launcher.
BREM repair and recovery vehicle
BTR-70 repair and recovery vehicle with crane, Ukraine 2002
BTR-70 (8x8) Varan APC, Ukraine 2018
TAB-72 mdodified BTR-60, Romania 1965
TAB-77, Romanian version of BTR-70 with Sagger capability, 1977, 154 vehicles
TAB-77 PCMOA artillery command post, 1977
TAB-77A R1 451/M command vehicle, 1977
TAB-77 POMA artillery observation post, 1977
TERA-77L maintenance/repair vehicle, 1977
TAB-79A (4x4) PCMOA artillery observation post, 1977
TAB-79R (4x4) POMA 82 mm mortar carrier, 1985
TAB-79AR(4x4) 82 mm mortar carrier
TAB-79R (4x4) air defence vehicle, 1985
TAB RCH-84 (RKh-84) (4x4) CBR scout vehicle, 1985
TAB-C, (4x4) version of TAB-77
TABC-79 (4x4) with SA-9
TCG-80 engineer vehicle based on TAB-79 (4x4), 1985
AM-425 armoured troop transport with 14.7 mm MG in small turret, based on TAB-79 (4x4), 1985
B33 Zimbru (8x8) armoured troop transport (6x6) and diesel engine, 2003
BTR-80 Armoured personnel carrier (GAZ-5903), (8x8), prototype 1982, 1984, series production since 1986
In service with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh (108 in 2016, 300 BTR-80/82 are on order from Russia in 2016), Belarus (191 in 2016), Burundi (10 from Russia), Djibouti (8 in 2016), Ethiopia, Finland (2 in 1980), Georgia, Hungary (555 in 2000), Indonesia (14 in 2016), Iraq (66 from Hungary in 2008, 155 Special Police in 2016), Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Macedonia (12 in 2016), Moldavia (20, 18 in 2016), Mongolia, Romania (1990, Zimbru), Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Sudan (30 in 2016), Turkey (170), Turkmenistan, Ukraine (16+), Uzbekistan, Venezuela (237 in 2011, 114+ in 2016)
BTR-80 Model 1, 1984
BTR-80 Model 2, blindage a l’avant du pot d’echappement, 1986
BTR-80 Model 3, avec mainscourantes avant allongees, 1988
BTR-80 Model 4, avant gauche modifie et butoirs carres, 1989
BTR-80 Model 5, with IaMZ-238M2 engine, 1984 (Since 1993 with JaMS-238M2 engine)
BTR-80 Model 5 FSB, with reactive armour for special forces of FSB, 1997
BTR-80 Model 6, avec’ toit surblinde, 1997
BTR-80 Zimbru, Romania 1990:
+ avec deux antennes a l’arriere et nouvelles jantes, 1990
+ with 14.5 mm MG in small turret, 2000
BTR-80 with add-on armour package
BTR-80 mit Gitter-Panzerung, 2004
BTR-80 with 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun in 6S21 RWS, 2015
BTR-80A with 30 mm 2A42 (2A72) cannon on modular turret, „Bujnost“ (der Tolle), prototype 1993
In service with: Belarus, Russia, Sudan (30 from Belarus in 2000)
BTR-80A series production, 1994
BTR-80A, 1997 - In service with Hungary
BTR-80AM – In service with Hungary
BTR-80AMS - In service Hungary
BTR-80 with TKB-799 KLIVER-turret (Kluiver), 30 mm automatic cannon and Kornet ATGM on modular turret, prototype 1997
BTR-80 with 30 mm automatic cannon, 1998
BTR-80 with 30 mm automatic cannon and AGS-17 armoured grenade launcher and 2 Konkurs missiles on turret (Ukrainian BMP-1 upgraded turret), Ukraine 1999
BTR-80A (8x8) Shareef-1 with two-person turret armed with 30 mm 2A42 cannon, Sudan
BTR-80 with 57 mm self-propelled artillery gun mount, Ukraine 1999
BTR-80 with Cummins-engine and ZF-gearbox
BTR-80 APC with 14.5 KPVT RCWS and SVN-2 observation suite, Uralvagonzavod 2015
BTR-80 (GAZ-59032) enlarged command post vehicle
BTR-80 command vehicle with A-frame antenna on bow, 1991
BTR-80 command vehicle with two short frame antennas behind turret, 1991
BTR-80AK command vehicle with two antennas, 1995
BTR-80K with 14.5 mm turret, battalion commander‘s vehicle with telescopic mast, 1991
BTR-80KSh command version based on GAZ-53032 chassis with enlarged superstructure
BTR-80M 1989/1 command vehicle with frame antenna, 1991 - In service with Hungary
BTR-80 artillery fire control and target acquisition radar vehicle CREDO-1S (Kredo-1S), prototype 1997
BTR-80 PU-12M (POu-12) 9S482M6 air defence command post vehicle for battery commander, based on GAZ-59032 chassis, 1995
BTR-80 PU-12M6 air defence command post vehicle with digital data transmission and reception capability, 1992
BTR-80 PU-12M7, 1992
BTR-80 P-240BTZ Zenit B, 1995
BTR-80RKhM-4 NBC-reconnaissance vehicle (RCHM-4), 1993
BTR-80RKhM-4-01 NBC reconnaissance vehicle
BTR-80PKhM-4-01 NBC reconnaissance vehicle
BTR-80 NBC reconnaissance vehicle with RXM-6 detection system, 2016
BTR-80 Agitpounkt with loudspeaker on turret, 1988
BTR-80 with 2 antennas, one on top of turret and one on single pole at the right rear, coy. CARI, Ukraine, proposal 1998
BTR-80S = BTR-80A with 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun and 7.62 mm PKT co-axial machine gun, 1993
BTR-80UM with 2x23 mm one-man turret, Ukraine
BTR-80 UNSh based on GAZ-59037 chassis:
BTR-80 Kapustnik-B complex for automated fire control of battalion/battery of artillery units 1V152
BTR-80 Kapustnik-BM complex for automated fire control of battalion/battery of artillery units
BTR-80 KShM Command staff armoured vehicle R-149BMR „KUSHETKA-B“ (Koucgetka-B) PNKP with heightened superstructure, based on GAZ-59032 chassis, for OBAK battery automated fire-control system, 1995,
In service with Russia 1993, Ukraine, Estonia (20 without special equipment, machine gun only 1992-2007)
BTR-80 with heightened superstructure UNSh chassis, in service with Estonia, 20
BTR-80 KShM P-240BTZ „Zenit-B“
BTR-80 K1Sh1 with short-wave radio set R-165B for operational tactical control link, Russia 1997
BTR-80 P-166-0,5 radio station
BTR-80 R-166
BTR-80 KShM 1V118 command observation vehicle for artillery units, 1992
BTR-80 UNSh unified command observation post 1V152 for Automated Fire Control System (MRL)
BTR-80 UNSh 9S482M6
BTR-80 with heigtened superstructure and FARA-1 portable ground surveillance radar
BTR-80 P-149MA1 command post
BTR-80 SPR-2M Mercury (Ruth-BM) jammer
BTR-80 RB-531B Infauna EW system
BTR-80 with raised superstructure and SatComSys antenna complex
120 mm 2A60 self-propelled gun/mortar system 2S23 NONA-SVK, 1991 - In service with: Azerbaijan (18 in 2016), PRC, Russia (1989, 2 in 1997), Venezuela (16 in 2016)
GAZ-5903 (Object 60)
GAZ-59032 OuNCh, without turret armament, raised superstructure, prototype 1992
GAZ-59032 SSS communication vehicle with dish antenna, 1992
GAZ-59033 BREM-K or BREM-80 armoured recovery vehicle with A-frame, prototype 1982
GAZ-59033 BREM-K armoured recovery vehicle with A-frame 1988/1991
GAS-59032 civilian transport version
GAS-59037 with fully enclosed heated soft cabin and load platform, 1992
GAZ-59037A civilian unarmoured version without turret and telescopic mast BAKM-890, 1992
GAZ-59037 logging vehicle ML-102
GAZ-59037 Wetluga (Vetlouga) fire-fighting vehicle with multiple rocket launcher, 5 to, 1994
GAZ-59038 (BS-1801-MS) with hydraulically operated scissor arm with platform, 1993
BTR-80 UNSh, based on GAZ-59039 chassis (K1 Sh 1): 1992
+ BTR-80 UNSh-10 chassis with cupola installed
+ BTR-80 UNSh-12 chassis without cupola installed
BTR-80 UNSh medical evacuation vehicle BMM-1, BMM-80
BTR-80 UNSh battalion medical station BMM-2
BTR-80 UNSh mobile dressing station BMM-3
BTR-xx Pyrmeter (Dead Hand)
GAZ-5903V VETULGA with fire fighting multi-barrel projector, 1994
GAZ-5923SH trials vehicle for new APC, Arzamas 2011
BTR-70/80 Cobra-K upgrade with 30 mm cannon and 9P135M ATGM, coy. Metapol 2001
GAZ-5603J (8x8) technical assistance vehicle with railway wheel attachments and elevatable platform, 1992
+ 1994
+ 1996
+ medical evacuation vehicle, 1996
ZIMBRU 2000 APC with OWS 25R, Romania
+ with two MG in turret
SAUR 1 (8x8) APC, 2008
GAZ-59401 armoured personnel carrier convertd into medical evacuation vehicle with large angular exhaust arrangement integrated into the superstructure, 1997
GAZ-59401 technical assistance vehicle with scissor platform, prototype 1997
GAZ-59402 fire fighting vehicle with four foam projectors at roof and railway wheel attachments, 1998
BTR-82 (8x8) AFV with 14.5 mm KPVT, Russia 2011, only few were procred by Russian Army; also Kazakhstan (12 in 2016)
BTR-82A (8x8) with 30 mm 2A72, Arzamas 2011 - In service with Belarus (32+ in 2016), +20 for Russia in 2016
BTR-82A (8x8) with PTK command vehicle, Kazakhstan 2012
BTR-82AM, modernised version, 2017
BTR-90 (Object 51 or GAZ-5923) Rostok (8x8) armoured transporter with BMP-2 turret and 9K111-1 Konkurs AT-system, 1994, 6 prototypes, only few were produced
BTR-90 improved version, 1996
+ with Bakhcha weapon station, 100 mm 2A70 gun, 30 mm 2A72
+ with Berezhok weapon station, 2A42 and AG-30 AGL, 2 pods for Kornet ATGW
BTR-90 with add-on armour, 1999
BTR-90M Rostock APC with two-person Bakhcha-U (Bakhta-U) fighting compartment/turret and 100 mm gun, plus 30 mm 2A72 cannon, prototype 2001, production 2002
BTR-90 with 120 mm gun, project 2002
BTR-90 tank destroyer, project 2002
BTR-90 air defence vehicle, project 2002
BTR-3 - In service with Nigeria, Ukraine (50 in 2017)
BTR-3BR ARV, Ukraine
BTR-3DA, Ukraine
BTR-3E APC with new UTD-20 engine, Ukraine
BTR-3E (8x8) Armoured repair and recovery vehicle, Ukraine 2004
BTR-3E-1 (8x8) upgraded APC, Ukraine 2006, In service with: Myanmar (at least 10 in 2007), UAE (24 in 2007)
+ with Shturm combat module and Barrier ATGW
+ with BM-3 "Shturm" turret and new engine MTU 6R106TD21
+ with Shkval ROWS, 2018
BTR-3E1 APC (8x8) with BARYER ATGM on BM-3 SHTURM OWS, Ukraine 2012
BTR-3E ARV with winch, crane and dozer blade
BTR-3E 90 heavy fire support vehicle with 90mm Cockerill main gun
BTR-3EI - In service with Thailand (233 on order in 2016, 96 in 2019)
BTR-3 with Spear 120 mm automatic mortar system - In service with Thailand (not yet confirmed in 2016)
BTR-3U Hunter initially known as BTR-94K
BTR-3U (8x8) (BTR-3Ou) amphibious APC with automatic cannon and turret-mounted ATGMs in Chkval turret on right side with German Deutz engine, prototype Ukraine 2002, Coy. Guardian
In service with: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Myanmar (100 in 2016), Nigeria, UAE
BTR-3U Guardian, version for UAE Marines with "Buran-N1" turret